I know I’ve been away for a few months. With the quarantine and covid-19, life got away from me. Here’s a brief update on everything that’s happened. My children’s schools closed mid-March, and I was furloughed shortly after. But thankfully with the unemployment benefits, I was able to pay off 3 credit cards, and build up $5000 savings. I invested in a new iPad Pro, and some art supplies to occupy my time. Flash forward 3 months to mid-June, I was called to return to work. My truck had died from not being used often enough in the time I was home, and it turns out I needed an engine replacement! I have to count my blessings, though. I was home when it happened (not on vacation in Florida last year), and thanks to not working, I had the money saved for the emergency! All of this reminds me how fortunate I am, and brings me back to why I started this online journey of retelling my stories to you. Anything is possible, and you CAN achieve anything you put your mind to!