So, everyone keeps saying things like “New year, new you!” and “Stop planning, start doing!” Well here I am, the new me, I’ve started planning, and started doing. This is the year I am getting on my lazy butt and making things happen! I bought my very first EC planner for myself for Christmas, and have been having fun trying to come up with how I’m going to fill my day. Before I get into that though, I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself. I am a single mom with 2 kids: Michael 8 and Renee 6. We currently live with my mother, and I work fulltime at a local department store. I’ve always had huge dreams of getting out of here, and back on my own, but have yet to find the means to do so. Only recently have I realized that I’m not going to find the means, I need to create them for myself. This is where my journey begins; I hope it’s a successful one, and I hope you come along with me.

Now, back to my planner. I don’t have a lot of appointments and extracurricular activities, or even bills to keep track of, so you may be wondering why I would even need such a planner. My goal this year is to become more organized. I need to stay focused and driven to keep my life goal in sight and obtainable. This planner has already been a lifesaver for me. I use the monthly calendar pages to outline my work schedule, and note when bills are due, as well as paydays. Since I’m starting this blog, the planner will also help me keep track of posts I want to write, and what content/projects I need to develop. My future goal is to open my Etsy shop; and between that and the blog, be able to quit my day job…but that won’t be for a while. I just hope by the end of this year, I have a plan underway. Who knows, this could be the year I go big!

Over the past year or so I’ve been collecting ideas on my Pinterest boards for the business I’m going to open on Etsy soon. I don’t want to say much about it yet, but being Etsy, it has to be handmade or crafted, and Its definitely something I have a little bit of a background in. I’m so excited to start creating again and sharing it with all of you!